
Support our effort with Oceana
to Protect Sharks
Sharks play a vital role in maintaining the health of marine ecosystems and their stocks are in serious trouble. Yet, more than one hundred million sharks are killed by commercial fisheries every year. They are intentionally harvested for their fins, meat, or liver oil and they are incidentally caught as bycatch in fisheries targeting other species. Sharks are highly migratory and regularly cross national boundaries. However, outside of Antarctica, there are no international limits on shark harvest. With increasing demand for shark fin soup, and little protection, sharks worldwide are at great risk. Immediate action is needed to protect sharks. Take Action for Sharks!
>> www.oceana.org/sharks
Support California Marine Protection
>> www.seastewards.org
>> www.sharkmans-world.org
Sharkman's World Organization - to save & protect sharks
>> www.sharkalliance.org
The Shark Alliance is a coalition of non-governmental organizations dedicated to the conservation of sharks.
>> www.wildaid.org
WildAid believes that the governments and communities of the world can reverse the devastation of wildlife.
>> www.hawaiireef.noaa.gov
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument
>> www.oceanconservancy.org
Support The Ocean Conservancy
>> www.trilliumfilms.net
Trillium Films is dedicated to producing inspirational films to generate awareness, and motivate action for the conservation of the Earth's remaining wild places.
>> www.coare.org
Center of Ocean Awareness Research and Education.