Thank you for supporting our petition to urge Alibaba.com to stop the
online distribution of shark fins online. Our advocacy has convinced
Alibaba to desist from facilitating the distribution of this product,
but the fight continues. Please follow the links below to take action
to protect sharks and halt the practice of shark finning.
Urge these Cities to stop serving shark fin soup and fight finning.
Fight finning in the EU
The Shark Trust http://www.sharktrust.org/
The UK
Bite Back http://www.bite-back.com/
Los Angeles
Dorsal Friends www.dorsalfriends.org
and Lamanya Adopt a Shark http://www.adoptashark.com/
San Francisco
New York http://www.Bansharkfinning.org
Toronto http://www.bobtimmons.org
Join Trillium Films in Celebrating the Year of the Shark
http://www.year-of-the-shark-2009.org/ |